
MIBGAS, the Iberian Organised Gas Market, offers information on prices, volumes and amounts traded daily on its website, specifically in the Market Results section. This is one of the functions included in the Market Rules, aimed at increasing the transparency and disclosure of prices published in the natural gas market.

The consolidation of MIBGAS as the reference market in the Iberian Peninsula, backed by reports issued by EFET and ACER, has also made its price signals a clear, robust benchmark for transactions made on the Iberian market.

Therefore, to improve transparency and disclosure in the Iberian Gas Market, MIBGAS issues a series of reports for public view, available on its website in the Publications section.

As an added value, it offers subscriptions to the different reports in the Publications section.

How to subscribe to MIBGAS reports?

Anyone interested in receiving these reports by email can subscribe to the service (in doing so accepting the MIBGAS privacy policy) by sending an email (Subject: Subscribe) to

Anyone interested in receiving these reports by email can subscribe to the service (in doing so accepting the MIBGAS privacy policy) by sending an email (Subject: Subscribe) to