Legal notice

Website Privacy Policy

The Website Privacy Policy is designed to inform the user of the practices of MIBGAS, S.A. (“MIBGAS”), with registered address at C/ Alfonso XI, no. 6, 28014 Madrid - Spain, regarding the processing and, where appropriate, transfer of the personal data that you may provide us with by accessing, using and registering on or through this website, and for which MIBGAS is the Data Controller. MIBGAS fully complies with current regulations on data protection, specifically, with Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR”) and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (“LOPDGDD”). 

Likewise, MIBGAS guarantees maximum security and confidentiality in the processing of users’ personal data. MIBGAS reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential developments, as well as industry practices. In such cases, MIBGAS will announce the changes introduced on this website with reasonable advance notice of their implementation.


Holder: MIBGAS, S.A.
Address: C/ Alfonso XI, no. 6, 28014 Madrid – Spain.
Telephone: +34 91 268 26 01.
Registry data: Commercial Registry of Madrid, volume 30105, folio 190, Section 8,
sheet number M-541936, 1st inscription.
Tax identification number: A-86500774


Your personal data will be processed by MIBGAS for the purpose of managing the application for agent registration and subsequent action in the market managed by MIBGAS. In particular, MIBGAS shall process these personal data for the following purposes: (i) the registration and monitoring of market agents, ensuring connections within the Market (ii) The maintenance of adequate levels of security in the company's commercial traffic.

The legitimising basis is the preparation and, where appropriate, subsequent conclusion of the Adhesion Contract (Article 6.1. b) of the GDPR).

If the user provides personal data referring to persons other than those making a request, the user guarantees that such persons have consented to the delivery of their data to MIBGAS, S.A. for such a purpose.

The user shall be responsible, in any case, for the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the Personal Data provided, MIBGAS reserving the right to exclude from the registry any user who has provided false data, without prejudice to other actions that may be applicable under the law. If any liability should arise from a breach of these conditions by the user, they must answer for the consequences of said breach.


The data shall be retained in any case while the commercial relationship with the market user or agent lasts. When it ends, MIBGAS, S.A. shall keep said data duly blocked for the sole purpose of meeting responsibilities of any kind that may arise for a period of 5 years. Once such responsibilities expire, their personal data will be deleted.

MIBGAS shall process personal data in an absolutely confidential manner. Likewise, it has implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures to guarantee the security of your personal data and prevent their alteration, loss, misuse, processing and unauthorised access or theft taking into account the state of technology.


The user accepts that their personal data and any other information held by MIBGAS or accessible through its systems will be transferred to the following entities, which will use them for their own purposes:

  • ENAGAS GTS, S.A. in order to fulfil its functions in its capacity as operator of the Spanish system.
  • Other System or Market Operators in order to fulfil their respective functions and achieve optimal management of their respective information systems.
  • OMIClear, C.C., S.A. in its role as Clearing House and Central Counterparty, provides clearing and settlement services.
  • The competent regulators.
  • Any competent public authorities when required in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions applicable to the case.

The user accepts that some entities subcontracted by MIBGAS could access personal data and information to help MIBGAS in the management of the Website. MIBGAS ensures that all these entities comply with data protection regulations, which are also directly applicable to them.

To manage the indicated purposes, we may have some service providers who act on our behalf and access Users’ personal data from countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). In these cases, MIBGAS will adopt the necessary guarantees to guarantee an adequate level of protection for personal data. In particular, MIBGAS will transfer users’ personal data:

  • To third parties established in countries located outside the EEA for which there is an adequacy decision by the European Commission in which it recognises said country or territory as safe; or
  • To third parties established in countries located outside the EEA for which there is no adequacy decision by the European Commission but after signing Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission with said third parties.

Users can request more information about the types of mechanisms used by MIBGAS through the following email:


You may exercise the rights indicated below by writing to the head office of MIBGAS, S. A., located at Calle Alfonso XI, 6, 28014 Madrid, or by e-mail to: You must provide the following information: name and surname of the party concerned, address for notification purposes and request in which the question is specified. If MIBGAS is unable to correctly verify your identity, it may request a photocopy of your National Identity Document, passport or any other identification document in order to fulfil the request to exercise your rights. You also have the right to withdraw consent if you have given it and to oppose receiving commercial communications if you have accepted their sending.


What does it consist of?

Right of access

Check what personal data we have about you

Right to rectification

Modify the personal data we have regarding you when they are inaccurate

Right to object

Request that we not process your personal data for some specific purposes.

Right to deletion

Request that we delete your personal data

Right of limitation

Request that we limit the processing of your personal data

Right of portability

Obtain in an electronic format the personal data that you have provided us with and those that have been generated in the context of the service

If you do not obtain satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you may file a claim with the supervisory authority in matters of data protection, the Spanish Data Protection Agency, whose website is

Cookies Policy

This Cookies Policy (the “Policy") is intended to inform on the cookies that could be installed in the browsers of users of the website (the “Website”), owned by MIBGAS, S.A. (“MIBGAS").


A cookie is a text file that, depending on the settings set, may be stored in a dedicated space on the hard drive of your device (personal computer, tablet or smartphone) when you consult an online service using your internet browser. It is the web server that sends it to your browser. Each cookie has a unique and anonymous identifier. The cookie file allows the issuing organisation to identify the device on which it is installed until the cookie in question has expired. A cookie cannot be used to identify a specific individual.


The cookies that can be installed on the user’s device can be classified according to the following criteria:

Owners of Cookies that can be installed

The cookies that may be installed in the browser of Website users could be:

  • Own cookies. Cookies owned by MIBGAS or its own cookies are sent to the user’s terminal from a computer or domain managed by MIBGAS and from which MIBGAS provides the functions requested by the user;
  • Third-party cookies. Third-party cookies are those that are sent to the user’s terminal from a computer or domain that is not managed by MIBGAS, but by a particular entity that processes the user’s data obtained through cookies.

Purpose of the cookies that can be installed

As mentioned above, there are different types of cookies for different types of uses. In particular, this Website may install the following cookies in users’ browsers:

Strictly necessary technical cookies.

These types of cookies allow you to navigate the website and use its essential functions, such as secure areas. These cookies do not collect any information that can be used for marketing or targeted advertising purposes. Due to their technical nature, MIBGAS does not need the user’s consent since they are strictly necessary and are downloaded by default to display the website or provide the service requested by the user.



Own or third-party


These cookies maintain the user's session in the system



This cookie allows us to know whether or not the user has JavaScript activated in the browser


Analytical cookies:

These cookies allow user behaviour to be monitored and analysed, which makes it possible to quantify the impact of advertising advertisements and thus carry out measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the service offered. These cookies, in principle, do not collect information that can identify users, since they process the data in aggregate form. Specifically, this website uses Google Inc.’s (“Google”) Internet data traffic analysis service (“Google Analytics”). Google Analytics uses cookies that allow the site to understand how visitors use it. The data generated by the cookies regarding your use of the site (including your IP address) will be sent to Google, which will store it on servers located in the United States. You can consult the Google Analytics privacy policy at



Own or third-party


This cookie is used to distinguish users who visit the website

Third parties


All stored cookies will remain on your computer. You can delete them through your browser settings by taking the following steps:

Microsoft Edge: Settings and more (...)  Settings  Cookies and site permissions  Cookies and site data  Block

Google Chrome: Tools Settings Advanced settings Content settings Cookies Block site data and third-party cookies

Mozilla Firefox: Tools Options Privacy History Use custom settings for history (untick all boxes).

Safari: Edit Preferences Privacy Block cookies (always choose).

Notwithstanding the above, users are informed that strictly necessary cookies cannot be rejected through the cookie notice that appears when accessing the Website, as these types of cookies are responsible for guaranteeing the proper operation of the Website. However, users may decide not to install strictly necessary cookies by blocking or deleting cookies using the procedure established in the previous paragraph. If Users voluntarily uninstall the strictly necessary cookies from their browser, MIBGAS cannot guarantee the proper functioning of its Website and therefore is not responsible for any defects or errors that may occur within the Website and/or those that could even affect the user. 


Some of the personal data obtained through third-party cookies may be subject to international data transfers, in which case we guarantee that the necessary guarantees will be adopted to protect their confidentiality, integrity and availability. For more information about international transfers you can visit our Privacy Policy.


Users will be able to obtain more information about the processing of personal data by MIBGAS, as well as how to exercise rights by accessing the Privacy Policy.

MIBGASinfo legal notice

MIBGAS provides the information and data included in its corporate mobile app, MIBGASinfo, on a voluntary basis and for information purposes only. It does its utmost to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date. MIBGAS reserves the right to change the content and structure as it sees fit and without prior notice. The content of the mobile app is protected by the current regulations governing intellectual property.

MIBGAS accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and currency of the information contained in its mobile app, and therefore shall not be liable for damages of any kind that may arise from the use of this app, including, but not limited to, direct and indirect damages and loss of profit. If the information displayed in the app is used in its original format, the source must be cited.

The information displayed in the mobile application is provided exclusively for informational purposes. The real-time information required and used for gas ownership transfers is exclusively located in the MIBGAS platform trading module, accessible only to market agents.

Likewise, in case any discrepancy between the three languages of the app - Spanish, Portuguese and English - the Spanish version shall prevail.

Aviso legal Microsite MIBGAS Green Energy

La información expuesta en el Microsite de MIBGAS (en adelante, la “Información”) tiene como objetivo la óptima difusión de la organización y funcionamiento del mercado, facilitando el acceso a la Información a cualquier persona interesada en la misma.

En este sentido, la Información de carácter público y gratuito puede ser utilizada libremente siempre que se respete íntegramente su contenido original, sin que MIBGAS asuma ningún tipo de responsabilidad, incluyendo daños y perjuicios directos o indirectos, que pudieran producirse, derivados de cualquier uso, o manipulación, cambio, modificación o alteración, intencionado o no, de la Información.

En caso de que se utilice la información del Microsite de MIBGAS en su formato original, se debe citar la fuente. Sin citar la fuente queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial, explotación, distribución, modificación, cesión o comunicación pública de los contenidos y cualquier otro acto que no haya sido expresamente autorizado por el titular de los derechos de explotación. Cualquier uso no autorizado previamente se considera un incumplimiento grave de los derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial del autor.

Todos los contenidos del sitio web, y demás contenidos audiovisuales, así como su diseño gráfico y códigos fuente, constituyen una obra cuya propiedad pertenece a MIBGAS, sin que puedan entenderse cedidos al usuario ninguno de los derechos de explotación sobre los mismos más allá de lo estrictamente necesario para el correcto uso de la web, y con independencia de que sean susceptibles o no de propiedad intelectual.

Para realizar cualquier tipo de observación respecto a posibles incumplimientos de los derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial, así como sobre cualquiera de los contenidos del sitio web, el usuario deberá notificar dicha circunstancia a MIBGAS, adjuntando la información pertinente. En cualquier caso, MIBGAS no asume responsabilidad alguna respecto de los derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial titularidad de terceros que se vean infringidos por un tercero o por el usuario.

En caso de discrepancia, incoherencia, falta de actualización o inconsistencia entre la Información y documentación oficial establecida en cualquier previsión normativa, la redacción oficial de dicha normativa en diarios oficiales prevalecerá sobre la Información, sin que MIBGAS asuma ninguna responsabilidad.

Dado el carácter y finalidad de la Información, MIBGAS no asume una obligación de mantenimiento de la estructura actual o difusión de la Información, ni se encuentra obligado a notificar previamente cualquier cambio o alteración en el contenido de la misma.