Gas prices for the electricity market (RD-L 10/2022)

MIBGAS, in line with its principles of transparency and information, publishes daily natural gas prices for the electricity market (NGP in €/Mwh) resulting from the application of Royal Decree-Law 10/2022, 13 May, establishing a temporary mechanism to adjust production costs to reduce electricity prices in the wholesale market.

The following describes the location and access method to retrieve the downloadable file with the price and history, as well as a technical note drafted by MIBGAS that provides help and support.




The NGP and its history are available to anyone interested to view the file MIBGAS_Data_2023.xlsx, available in the market results section. The price of natural gas (NGP) is in the Excel sheet, which also contains the prices of all products traded on the MIBGAS platform.

You will find the NGP in the last tab with the legend PGN_RD_10_2022. The natural gas price obtained applied according to RD-L 10/2022 is published every day at 09.45.

Access the file.




To ensure transparency of gas prices as calculated according to the Royal Decree-law and to provide energy system agents with reproducibility, MIBGAS has prepared a technical note with the following content:

  • Explanation of factors to consider for defining the NGP, analysis of the differences between the gas day and the electricity day, imposition of the calculation of an ex ante price obtained prior to the end of the gas trading session for the delivery day and the influence on its robustness.
  • Explanation of the price calculation published in the RD-L and how system agents can replicate it.
  • Description of the publication procedure in the different MIBGAS public and private platforms.
  • Example of a price calculation for a specific day.


Access to the technical note.


Price published in the MIBGASinfo application

MIBGAS also publishes the NGP daily in the mobile app MIBGASinfo directly on the home screen, a more direct and visual access route. The NGP is available from 09:40 on the home screen of the app.

The MIBGASinfo app can be downloaded free of charge from the App Store and from Google Play