More than 77.4 TWh were traded in MIBGAS in 2021


In 2021, more than 77.4 TWh were traded on the MIBGAS platform, the Iberian Organised Gas Market Operator, compared to 47.3 TWh last year, a remarkable increase of 64%. This data and other key figures recorded by MIBGAS in 2021 are compiled in a document just published by MIBGAS as a preview of the data to be included in its 2021 Annual Report.

These figures show the average annual prices of the D+1 product in 2021, which was €47.31/MWh, and the M+1, which stood at €47.34/MWh. Likewise, in terms of the percentage traded on MIBGAS of demand in Spain, in 2021 it was 21%, which was also considerably higher than the figure for 2020, which was 13.6%.

The document (below in Spanihs) also includes percentages of products traded on MIBGAS and MIBGAS Derivatives and the volumes in each trading segment.

MIBGAS Magnitudes 2021

Download the document (in Spanish) here.