MIBGAS will prepare a Spanish hydrogen price index
The Chairman of MIBGAS, Raúl Yunta Huete, participated in the Second Hydrogen Day, organised by Enagás, where he announced that MIBGAS has begun work to prepare a Spanish hydrogen price index through the creation of a working group. Yunta encouraged all those interested to participate in this exciting project (to register, simply complete this form).
In fact, the title of his presentation already anticipated its content: “Towards a first Spanish hydrogen price index” (in Spanish). During his speech, Yunta explained the methodology that MIBGAS will follow to obtain the first Spanish hydrogen price index, already considered an energy vector for the future.
Cost-based methodology
In a first stage, its creation will be based on the costs of obtaining hydrogen, that is, what it costs to produce it (ask price) and what off-takers are willing to pay (bid price). The spread between bid and ask will show the degree of maturity of the market and its liquidity: the narrower, the more liquid it is.
This cost-based price reference will be updated, as it will allow monitoring of its evolution and adaptation to changes that may arise (technological, supply prices, etc.).
Value-based methodology
Once the market develops, we will move towards a value-based methodology, that is, based on the price movements that occur in the market and using price estimates based on the report of bilateral transactions, one-off auction and tender prices and negotiated prices for standardised products on organised platforms and markets.
The Chairman of MIBGAS closed his speech with the following conclusions:
- MIBGAS wants to contribute to the development of the Spanish hydrogen market, publishing price indices during the different stages of market maturity.
- The publication of price indices will help participants evaluate the viability of their projects and boost the market.
- Initially, the Spanish hydrogen index will be prepared as a cost-based model, until more market information is available, when it will become value-based.
- MIBGAS is naturally configured as the Spanish marketplace, with the indices, tools and products that drive the development and liquidity of the market.