86.4 GWh matched in a new auction of the PVB-TTF Nov 2024 indexed product
MIBGAS Derivatives held this morning a gas sale auction -by an initiating agent- of the PVB-TTF indexed future product, in which 86.4 GWh have been matched for Month Ahead, November 2024. This type of product is a non-financial contract with physical delivery of the gas in the Spanish PVB, the price of which is referenced to the Dutch market product TTF-Day Ahead, plus a differential or spread that is the result of the matching.
In this case, the price of the spread was -0.35 €/MWh. The seller receives from the buyer the daily TTF index gas price published by ICIS each delivery day plus the matched spread for the entire traded delivery month.
The OMIClear clearing house is in charge of the clearing and settlement of this contract.
More Information:
PVB-TTF Product specifications