276 GWh matched in a new auction of the PVB-LPI Q4 indexed product
MIBGAS Derivatives held this morning a gas purchase auction -requested by an agent- of the PVB-LPI indexed future product, in which 276 GWh have been matched for Q4 of this year. The price of this type of product is referenced to the daily price of MIBGAS (LPI or Last Price Index Day Ahead), plus a differential or spread that is the result of the matching.
In this case, the price of the spread was 0.09 €/MWh. The seller receives from the buyer the daily LPI day-ahead index plus the spread for the whole of Q4.
The OMIClear clearing house is in charge of the clearing and settlement of this contract.
More information:
PVB-LPI natural gas futures products.
New auction on 3 October 2024
On-demand auctions are proving to be a good instrument for agents to manage their risks by taking advantage of the different products offered by MIBGAS Derivatives.
Next Thursday 3 October another auction will be held, in this case of the monthly natural gas futures product PVB-TTF, in which an initiator agent wants to sell gas for the month of November.
More information:
Natural gas futures products PVB-TTF
Details of the PVB-TTF products