MIBGAS Information Systems are designed to provide secure and reliable access to the different platforms, with the system’s architecture consisting of the following platforms:
- Database
- Platform for Registrations and Consultations (WMERGAS)
- Trading Platform (PNGAS)
- Platform for Administration and Management (IOPERGAS)
- Public Gas Platform (WPUB)
The following figure shows the main MIBGAS platforms and the relationships between them:
All the information provided by the Agents or by Third Parties, such as the System’s Technical Managers, is stored in the system’s Database together with the information on the time and on the user responsible for its storage, thereby ensuring the security and traceability of the operations performed by the Agents.
In addition, the Agents are entitled to access all the information stored in the Database, both their own and all that considered to be of a non-confidential nature.
The Platform for Registrations and Consultations is the electronic interface for private access, provided and managed by MIBGAS, whereby Agents may perform the procedures for registering and updating the data on their involvement in the market, as well as undertake a series of actions, mainly involving the consultation and downloading of information, related to their participation in the market and its results.
In addition, this platform receives information from third parties, such as Technical Managers, as required for the market’s proper operation.
The Trading Platform is the electronic interface for private access, provided and managed by MIBGAS, whereby Agents may trade in the products. More specifically, it provides services such as the following:
- Processing of orders (posting, modification and cancellation).
- Consultation and download of the orders and trades made by the Agent (not historical record).
- Consultation of the state of an Agent’s guarantees in real time.
- Reception of messages posted by MIBGAS.
It consists of a light client (client module) and a server that contains client requests, which are processed as they are inserted in the Trading Platform.
The communication process is based on AMQP protocol.
Subsystem used by MIBGAS staff for performing the everyday tasks involved in the operation of the Organised Gas Market. It is used to conduct all those operations related to the market’s operations, such as holding and supervising sessions and the management of reports, as well as sharing information with third parties (Agents, the System’s Technical Managers, etc.).
This is the platform provided by MIBGAS on which it discloses all the public information on the company and on the Organised Gas Market, including:
- Current legislation
- Current Market Rules
- Market Resolutions
- Instructions
- User Guides
- List of Agents
- Number and identity of Market Maker Agents
- Calendar of Working days and Banking days
- Information on prices, volumes and amounts traded