MIBGAS S.A. is the operator of the regulated organized gas market in the Iberian Peninsula, pursuant to Law 8/2015, of May 21, amending Law 34/1998, of October 7, of the Hydrocarbons Sector and Portaria nº 643/2015 of August 21, of the Gabinete do Secretário de Estado da Energia de Portugal.

Operational, cushion and heel gas in PVB (Spain)
The Resolution of December 23, 2015, of the Secretary of State for Energy, which develops the procedure for the acquisition of operational gas.
Balancing actions in PVB (Spain)
The Resolution of September 28, 2016, of the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines, approving the detail protocol PD-18.
Operational and heel gas at VTP (Portugal)
ERSE Directive No. 5/2021, which develops the procedure for the return of stocks and the purchase of operational and heel gas.MIBGAS Derivatives
MIBGAS Derivatives is the operator of the organized market for natural gas futures products, liquefied natural gas (LNG) products and spot products in subway storage facilities in the Iberian Peninsula.
MIBGAS Derivatives allows the trading of non-financial products with physical delivery on screen (exchange). In addition, it also offers the service of registration of OTC trades and auctions on request.

Market segments
Currently, MIBGAS Derivatives has two market segments differentiated by the delivery time of the traded products.
Clearing house
MIBGAS Derivatives and OMIClear have formalised a cooperation agreement so OMIClear (as Clearing House) will be responsible for providing the clearing and settlement services.Operation

Trading sessions and types of trading
Trading on the market is organised into trading sessions, with the possibility of trading in one or more products in each one of them.
In the Organised Gas Market, manage by MIBGAS, different products are traded.
Besides managing the market’s purchase and sales orders, MIBGAS, acting as counterparty, calculates the market’s economic results.
On a daily basis, MIBGAS will inform the Technical Manager of the pre-notifications and notifications arising from the purchase and sales orders matched.