Guarantee management description
Spain´s Royal Decree 984/2015 of 30 October, which regulates the Organised Gas Market and third-party access to the infrastructure of the natural gas system, designates the company MIBGAS S.A. as the Guarantee Manager.
Therefore, MIBGAS is responsible for the centralized management of guarantees for contracting capacity infrastructure with regulated third-party access, guarantees for participation in the Organised Gas Market and guarantees for the imbalances settlement.
To this end, parties with access right to the gas system infrastructure, agents of the Organised Gas Market and accredited parties by the Technical System Operator must register as Guarantee Account Users in the Guarantee Manager.
The Guarantee Management Rules of the Gas System, approved by Resolution of the Secretary of State for Energy, are published on the Legislation section.
The software and the technical documentation necessary for setting up the clients workstations for accessing the Guarantee Management Platform are available on the Information Systems section.